I am disheartened & disappointed

I am disheartened & disappointed

I am shocked and disappointed that a few judges removed the rights of 100s of millions of females.

The thought that my daughter (and my wife), along with friends and family now live in a country where soon, nearly half the states will no longer grant them equality is infuriating. To think that my daughter lives in a country where she has less rights than her mother did for 50 years – is insane.

It is inconceivable to me, in a land where freedom is repeatedly extolled as something the U.S. is best at – we seem to be removing a lot of freedom from everyone’s lives as of late. I simply can’t stomach that a minority can impose an abundantly unpopular restriction onto others.

One of the founding freedoms we enjoy is religious freedom – which is why I reject any argument based on a religious precept. Even the bible states that life begins at first breath – the idea of life at conception is a fallacy by anti-choice zealots. Medical science is clear that a fetus is not viable until a certain length of development has occurred. It is not “alive” at conception or for nearly 24 weeks. Regardless, what any religion espouses, it should not restrict, or in this case, repeal the rights of others.

If you don’t believe in abortion – then it’s simple – don’t get one. But don’t remove the choice and the rights of others that feel and believe otherwise.

If these regressive laws existed decades ago – I would not exist. My mother suffered an ectopic pregnancy between my older brother’s birth and mine. If she couldn’t receive the medical, lifesaving procedure she did, she would have died. I would not have been born.

To now think, that this routine medical procedure, that saves a life will now be unavailable or questionable to receive in many states now – is ludicrous. To now think that naturally occurring miscarriages, that often require medical care that would be considered “abortive care” will now be unavailable to many is tragic.

I refuse to sit idle while rights are reduced and removed in the United States – the land of the free. My wife and daughter and woman across this country should not be relegated to have less bodily autonomy than a cluster of cells that is not viable nor a life.